Local Rugby League Clubs have until February 11 to apply for a Local Sport Grant of up to $25,000.
The Local Sport Grant Program is an opportunity for incorporated, not-for-profit sporting clubs within New South Wales to promote regular and on-going participation in active sport and recreation.
It is a fantastic opportunity for clubs to improve internally, while also promoting participation in sport, addressing barriers to participation in sport or structured physical activity, and providing a quality service to their members.
Applicants can choose from four types within the program that include available funding from the State Government:
1) Sport Club Development
2) Community Sport Events
3) Sport Access
4) Facility Development and Capital Equipment.
Maximum funding differs depending on what type is chosen, and the project ideas available can include upgrading equipment, hosting a sporting tournament/fun run, enhancing existing facilities, running coaching accreditation courses, plus many more.
Following is the application process:
1) Visit the grants website: www.sportandrecreation.nsw.gov.au read the information about the grant program and determine if you are eligible
2) Read the Guidelines to familiarise yourself with the program requirements and determine your application project type
3) Register your organisation (only if not already registered in the on-line system)
4) Register your project
5) Complete the application
6) Submit the application by 11 February, 2016.
For more information, click on the link to the Local Sport Grant Program Guidelines below.